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I felt as though I didn't have a creative bone in my body. I was always sure to include creative thinkers on my team because I enjoyed what they brought to the table. I started to think about creativity in a different way after taking a quiz to determine if you were a creative thinker. I scored a 78 on the quiz putting me in the "very creative" category. Interesting...


Although I wasn't coming up with incredible inventions I am always looking for new ways to improve process and new challenges and opportunities for employees. In order to progress and continue to grow and develop as a business unit and achieve what was set out in the strategic plan there had to be a relationship between strategy and innovation and although I wasn't working for Google or Apple, innovation played a part and was especially key in further employee development. In the not-for-profit world informal (low cost) opportunities are needed to develop professionally as formal opportunites are not always available due to cost and resources. 


In trying to create development opportunities for employees to aide in the acheivement of individual performance management goals I utilized many of the ideas brainstormed to the left:

  • tours of locations we provided services to

  • agency resource meeting attendance where employees would attend presentations from other like service providers, gather information and report back the learnings to the group

  • training meetings and dedicated training roles

  • agency presentations

  • social committee - where they particpated in a formal meeting and took on roles to plan and execute events

  • educational courses at various institutions

I also created an opportunity to better meet client need and access to services by establishing a partnership with an agency serving a similar clientele where we became the first legal agency to offer services on-site. In additional to a staff development opportunity, this established an increased profile in the community, built stakeholders relations, increased referrals to services and efficiencies through attendance at a one-stop-shop with no added cost.  

I applied techniques and strategies to lead successful innovations in my business area allowing me to define, plan and execute on my goals and objectives.  


While looking for ways to increase the volume of clients served and not reduce quality I looked towards Administrative Support; away from those providing direct service. I was able to better define job tasks and assign them to particular areas of support creating a more efficient use of resources by matching skill sets and tasks more appropriately (while staying within the constraints of the existing job description). As a result there was an increased volume of clients seen, as administrative tasks were focused elsewhere.

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